The below is about a project with regard to fitting out a tax office with photo-art by querformat-fotografie. The article is available in German language only. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in any details.

Im Januar 2017 fand ein erstes Treffen zum Kennenlernen und zur Klärung der Aufgabenstellung statt.

Aufgabe: Ausstattung eines Besprechungsraumes und eines Leiterzimmers mit Fotokunst. Im Leiterzimmer sollte die Fotokunst einen Bezug zu Mainz haben. Die Fotokunst im Leiterzimmer sollte gekauft werden, während wir uns für das Besprechungszimmer auf eine Art “Mietmodell” mit regelmäßigem wechselnden Bildern verständigten.

In März 2017 stellte ich mehrere Lösungsvarianten für eine Hängung im Leiterzimmer vor:
Vorschlag 1: Reihenhängung – mehrerer Bilder aus meiner Mainz im Quadrat Serie in gleicher Größe
Vorschlag 2: Reihenhängung – mehrerer Bilder aus meiner Mainz im Quadrat Serie in gleicher Größe, dazwischen 1 Bild in größerem Format
Vorschlag 3: Ein großformatiges Bild
Vorschlag 4: Eine Bildwolke aus mehreren Bildern

Mit Blick auf die Motive konnte ich aus dem großen Fundus meiner Mainz im Quadrat Serie schöpfen.

Die Vorentscheidung fiel schnell zu Gunsten meines Vorschlags 4, der Bildwolke! Um sich vorstellen zu können, wie eine solche Bildwolke im empfohlenen Format an der Wand wirkt, folgte Herr B. gerne meinem Vorschlag, zunächst eine Dummy Bildwolke aus Paketpapier aufzuhängen. Immerhin sollte die Bildwolke ca. 1,80 Meter hoch und 3,00 Meter lang werden!

Im April 2017 hing dann die Dummy Bildwolke und die finale Entscheidung wurde getroffen.

Zugleich stand noch die Entscheidung aus, in welcher Ausführung die Bildwolke realisiert werden sollte:
Variante 1: FineArt-Prints mit Passepartout und Rahmen
Variante 2: FineArt-Prints auf Alu-Dibond mit matter Schutzfolie
Variante 3: FinaArt-Prints unter Acrylglas

Mit der Entscheidung für Variante 2, FinaArt-Prints auf Alu-Dibond mit matter Schutzfolie und der Entscheidung für die Motive und die Formate, standen alle Eckdaten für die Erstellung des finalen Angebots fest.

Ende Juli 2017 war es dann so weit. Nach Auftragserteilung und Produktion konnte die Bildwolke aufgehängt werden.

Abgerundet wurde das ganze dann noch mit schicken Bildbeschriftungen aus Acrylglas.

Ein tolles Projekt, bei dem jeder einzelne Schritt Spaß gemacht hat und mir am Ende einen glücklichen Kunden mehr beschert hat. Und wie man sieht: Mainz im Quadrat geht auch mal ganz anders. Große Formate, sowie Quer- und Hochformate.

Mir gefällt’s!

  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-001
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-002
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-003
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-006
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-004
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-005
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-007
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-012
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-011
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-008
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-010
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-009
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Kunst_in_der_Kanzlei-013

A few weeks ago, Jonathan B. from contacted me via eMail asking if I would like to collaborate with I got their attention, based on my review of the Saal-Digital fotobook, I published 3 years ago.

I guess, that most of you don’t know Therefore I would like to start with some words about … is a provider of photo printing services based in Anderlecht, Belgium. started in 2015 in Belgium and now offers its services in many European countries. According to their own statements they have become one of leading providers of photo printing services in France. offered a coupon for free production of one 60×40 cm alu dibond or one 60x40cm forex print. I accepted to provide a true and fair review.’s current product range is limited to the following products:

ZOR-ALU = direct metal photo prints on Aluminium Dibond
ZOR-GLAS = direct photo prints on acrylic glas
ZOR-FOREX = direct photo prints on Forex

The product ZOR-CANVAS = photo print on canvas is currently not available.

Further products, such as FineArt-Prints or prints on photographic papers or photo prints under acrylic glass or on alu-dibond ar not part of’s product range. advertises with unbeatable prices in different formats. Custom sizes are available beside standard formats.

For customer presentations I have a little collection of one photo in different materials in 20 x 20 cm format. Based on this I decided to order this photo in 20 x 20 cm in all 3 product variations, in addition to the free print in format 60 x 40 cm on Alu Dibond. This allowed me to compare with the products, provided by a local supplier.

Thus I ordered 4 prints in total, on a Sunday morning. The order process was quite simple. There were no issues for me. Uploading the file, selection of product and format … that’s it …

Once the order was given, the tension increased. Are the prices really unbeatable? And what is the catch? Is there any? The Standard-Service is offering a delivery within 7-10 working days. A competitor is providing a delivery within 5-6 working days. By my own experience the delivery was usually even quicker. My ZOR products have been supplied on Wednesday, so therefore 8 working days after ordering. In other words: in line with the promised standard delivery time. An express service is bookable, if you need your prints faster.

What was my first impression of the parcel? To be very open, my first impression was a little bit disappointed, since I am used packagings of higher quality by other providers. However if packaging is the only restriction in order to provide lower prices …
querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_ZOR_Produkt_Test-001

Once I opened the package my impression did not really improve. A great “unboxing” experience does look different to me. The prints – or rather the large one – have been secured against slipping and all prints were only secured by simple plastic sheets. Only the front side of the print on acrylic glass was covered with a protective film. However: all prints arrived undamaged and … there must be a reason for the lower prices.
querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_ZOR_Produkt_Test-002

When unpacking the prints a a significant difference compared the competitors products becomes visible. By default, the ZOR photo prints are delivered without a hanging system. Whilst the price of the competitor includes a wall mount with a 18 Euro value for the 60 x 40 cm format (= according to the information by the competitor), only offers a simple hanging stripe solution. This solution is for sure a low budget solution, however I personally think it’s a great pity since the impression that the print is suspended in front of the wall, which is provided by alternative hanging systems, gets lost.
querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_ZOR_Produkt_Test-005

Let’s remain with the back side of the prints for a moment. On a first view, I was disappointed by the missing hanging system AND the blue print on the rear, which did not really provide a professional impression to me. On a second view, I recognized the the blue print was part of a protective film, that can be removed. This protective film has already been removed on the competitors products, in order to fix the hanging system. Unfortunately the rear of the direct print on acrylic glas is not protected anyway. Therefor the rear might be easily damaged.
querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_ZOR_Produkt_Test-006

With regard to the prints, I have to admit, that from my point of view they are of really good quality, especially considering the excellent price-performance ratio. For sure it would be unfair to expect high-end FineArt-Prints, however the print quality of my reference photo is really great. Even in comparison with the prints of the same photo provided by my local supplier. Both – the products of the local provider and the ZOR products provide colour variations by material. As a solution offers ICC profiles for a softproofing with Photoshop and Lightroom allowing corrections in combination with a calibrated monitor. The direct print of the photo on Alu-Dibond from I like even a little bit more, compared with the result provided by the local supplier, although I got the impression that the photo has been sharpened a little bit by ZOR, resulting in better details on the print.
querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_ZOR_Produkt_Test-003
querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_ZOR_Produkt_Test-004

My conclusion:
For products you have to accept some smaller limitations with regard to the packaging and unboxing experience.
For me the biggest difference compared with the competitors products, is the hanging system out of the standard scope. The simple hanging stripe solution offered by doesn’t really make me happy.
For all, to whom the above is not that important, or those who are able to mount their own hanging system, provides a really good price-performance ratio.
The range of products offered provides a good quality for privat use or for large scale property outfits with small budgets.
The product range does not match with my favorite products. This is why I personally would wish a broader product range.

Feedback from ZOR referring to my review above:
“Regarding the negative parts that you’ve mentioned. We’re currently waiting for a new packaging machine to arrive, also in the near future we’ll add 3 new hanging systems.”

[ Kommentare ausblenden ]

3 comments on “The products from in a querformat-fotografie Test

  1. Rob Mainhattan

    Danke für die Review Achim,
    ich werde mir diesen Druckdienst auch mal näher anschauen !

    cu Rob

  2. Philipp

    Danke für die tolle Rezession inklusive Fotos, die unteren sehen ja echt aus wie aus dem Fotostudio!

Comments are closed.

Auch was dazu sagen →

Mid November 2017, two years after my last visit to Paris and two years after the terror attacks, I went back to Paris again. This time I followed the proposal of my dear friends Frank Meffert, Ivan Slunski and Matt Finazzo. Whilst planning the weekend Christian Baillet and Fabienne Harris invited for Valerie Jardin’s Hit The Streets Worldwide Photowalk – at the Montmartre in Paris. Of course we didn’t leave out this fantastic opportunity. And it got even better: Valerie war there in person as well and we had the chance to get to know each other in person. It was a great Paris Photo Weekend again, where I met the fantastic Valerie Jardin and many other great people. Almost incidentally we took some nice photos before, during and after Valerie Jardin’s Hit The Streets Worldwide Photowalk as well as the next day. Enjoy …

  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [LA TOUR EIFFEL - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-006
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [LA TOUR EIFFEL - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-008
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-010
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-013
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-014
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-015
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-022
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [CONCORDE - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-020
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-021
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-001
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-025
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-026
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-027
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-028
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-030
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-032
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-033
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-034
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [I Love You Wall - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [I Love You Wall - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-037
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-038
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-039
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-040
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-041
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [THE Clock - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-044
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [10:43 - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [Musée d’Orsay - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-053
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_Orte_Streets_of_Paris_2017-054
  • querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Paris / November 2017]
querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - querformat-fotografie_17aus2017-001

Please enjoy my 17 out of 2017 favourite selection!

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [Geierlay - Hunsrück / Februar 2017]Hunsrück – Geierleybrücke, #ichbindrübergelaufen

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Hamburg /  April 2017]Hamburg – Ein ständiges Kommen und Gehen am Hauptbahnhof

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Berlin / Juni 2017]Berlin im HCB Style

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Berlin / August 2017]Berlin – Marlboro Man, U-Bahn

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Berlin / August 2017]Berlin – Regierungsviertel

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Berlin / August 2017]Berlin – Regierungsviertel

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [BAUHAUS - Berlin / Juni 2017]Berlin – BAUHAUS

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Köln / Oktober 2017]Köln – Domportal

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Köln / Oktober 2017]Köln – Hohe Straße

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [Kolumba 3 - Köln / Oktober 2017]Köln – Kolumba

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [10:43 - Paris / November 2017]Paris – Musée d’Orsay

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [THE Clock - Paris / November 2017]Paris – Musée d’Orsay – THE Clock

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [ELPHI - Hamburg / Oktober 2017]Hamburg – Elbphilharmonie

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [Elphi - Hamburg / Oktober 2017]Hamburg – Elbphilharmonie

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [untitled - Frankfurt / November 2017]Frankfurt – Stadtbücherei

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [HERREN - Frankfurt / December 2017]Frankfurt – Schirn Kunsthalle

querformat-fotografie - Achim Katzberg - [Langen Foundation - Raketenstation Hombroich / Oktober 2017]Neuss – Langen Foundation

[ Kommentare ausblenden ]

4 comments on “Seventeen out of 2017

    1. Achim

      Das freut mich sehr, Torsten!

  1. Jürgen

    Sehr schönes Set

    1. Achim

      Danke Dir, freut mich, dass es dir gefällt!

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