Whilst the preperation for my exhibition MAINZ IM QUADRAT in Harxheim near Mainz are in full swing, some of my work is presented at the could be seen in Japan at the Summer Art Festival in Shimane.
According to an old Japanese tradition a priest and the organizer of the exhibition worshiped shintoistic and buddhistic Gods, that all runs well with the Summer Art Festival.
At the opening on August 1st 2014 around 400 Visitors have been counted at the exhibition, which can be seen until 31st of August in Ohda-City, Shimane.
The „Summer Art Festival “ takes place in Ohda-City, Shimane. Ohda-City is located on the south-west-coast of Japan. The City at the beautiful Japanese sea is very popular with Tourists.
In case you are around … just look into it, it’s always worth it. The exhibition will be opened daily from 11 tip 17 h until 31st of August.
Ihr Lieben Drei!
Ganz wunderbare Bilder, die ich sofort an Papa weiterschicken werde.
Herzlichste Grüße und Umarmung mit Dank
Eure Mama Agnes Papa Dieter
liebes Brautpaar, der Funke springt regelrecht über! Wunderschöne Bilder von Euch beiden und euren Tag!
Wirklich sehr, sehr schöne Bilder!