After being married one year ago at the civil registry office, Melanie & Alexander got married in a church in Wiesbaden last Saturday.

Originally we planned to meet each other in the Wiesbadener Kurpark for a photo shooting prior to the marriage. However, this Saturday the park was closed due to bad weather with damage caused by a flood the evening before. Spontaneously we decided to do the photoshooting in the arcade of the State theatre in Wiesbaden.

After the shooting I accompanied Melanie & Alex with a little wedding reportage during the ceremony in the church and the subsequent champagne reception. The celebration took place in the Orangerie in Wiesbaden Aukamm.

Before the two start into their honeymoon in a week time, there is already a little Pre-View of the shooting …

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One comment on “Wedding Melanie & Alex

  1. Sylvia

    erneut ein Augenschmauß

Auch was dazu sagen →

It was again the choreography of coincidence which presenting unforgettable moments to me and my lens.

I would like to share a selection of my personal favorite street photos taken in the 2nd quarter of this year.

Check it out!

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2 comments on “Choreography of coincidence – My personal favorite street photos taken in the 2nd quarter of 2014

  1. marv

    Sehr coole Bilder, gefallen mir sehr gut. Danke fürs Hochladen!


  2. Kai

    Converse und die Toilettenhinweise gefallen mir am meisten…sehr schön!
    Vielen Dank.


Auch was dazu sagen →

On July 1st and 2nd the fourth conference “The Clinic Real Estate of the next generation – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance“ took place in “THE SQUAIRE” located close to the Frankfurt International Airport.

The “The Clinic Real Estate of the next generation” covered current developments. It aimed at a broad audience ranging from hospital operators, constructors and investors to architects, planners and manufactures, in brief everyone who has planning and operating hospitals in common. This includes of course the approval authorities, institutions and public administration.

Extensive dialogues and networking between the participants and the speakers of the conference has again been one of the main goals since the congress has been conducted for the first time in 2010.

The fourth conference “The Clinic Real Estate of the next generation” has been hosted by S|PM Projektmanagement GmbH. Furthermore, the congress has been again under of the patronage of Architects for Hospital Construction and Health Care (AKG) in the Association of German Architects (BDA) and Healthcare without Harm.

Anja Leetz, Executive Director HCWH Europe and Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Linus Hofrichter, Architekt BDA AKG and Jürgen Zimmermann, Prokurist SlPM opened the congress in front of the broad audience of round about 250 participants.

Please find below some first impressions from the event.

Last Saturday Julia & Michael got married in the beautiful church of St. Stefan in Mainz!

Already before the ceremony they went to Bodenheim with a beautiful “deux chevaux” and an umbrella. When the shooting started, it began to rain lightly – but the rain did not spoil Julia & Michael the mood!

After the ceremony in front of the famous windows designed by Chagall and a fantastic chorus, followed by a champagne reception in front of St. Stefan in Mainz, the wedding guests went to Schwabenheim for the wedding party at the Margaretenhof!

As always post-processing of the whole wedding reportage will take some time. Nevertheless you will already find a little preview below …

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3 comments on “Wedding with a “deux chevaux”, an umbrella and Julia & Michael

  1. Sylvia

    erneut wunderbare Aufnahmen … mir gefällt besonders das Spiel mit der Schärfe/Unschärfe

  2. Gabriela

    Klasse machst Du das !! Sehr schöne Serie….die beiden können sich freuen 🙂

  3. Sonboleh

    Es sind tolle Bilder! Du hast ein wunderschönes Kleid an, das Dir hervorragend steht. Dein Ehemann übrigens auch, Ihr passt richtig zusammen und seht auf den Bildern super schön und glücklich aus.

    Ich wünche Euch eine wunderbare Zukunft mit vielen schönen kleinen und großen Momenten.

    Danke, dass ich mit den Fotos an Eurem Tag teilhaben konnte.

    Liebe Grüße

Auch was dazu sagen →

I was very pleased when Tobias Hildebrandt and Florian Kopf asked me mid of March if I would like to participate in an exhibition taking place end of May in Vienna! mich Mitte März gefragt haben ob ich Ende Mai an einer Gemeinschaftsausstellung in Wien teilnehmen möchte. Of Course I said “yes” spontaneously!


As of today there is not much time left. Once the photos have been selected and agreed with Florian and Tobias, both curating the exhibition, the photos could be produced. In the meantime the photos have been produced, signed and delivered to Florian. So nothing should go wrong. The promotions have be started as well.

Although I know that Vienna might not be in your neighbourhood, I would be more then happy to meet you in Vienna during the opening of the exhibiton.

Maybe you are in Vienna by co-incidence or you just take the opportunity to stay in Vienna for a couple of days …

Please find some details below …

Opening 27.05.2014 19:00
Exhibition 27.05. – 20.06.2014 daily 10:00 – 21:00

The Art Gallery Vienna
Brandmayergasse 7-9, 1050 Wien