I was very pleased when Tobias Hildebrandt and Florian Kopf asked me mid of March if I would like to participate in an exhibition taking place end of May in Vienna! mich Mitte März gefragt haben ob ich Ende Mai an einer Gemeinschaftsausstellung in Wien teilnehmen möchte. Of Course I said “yes” spontaneously!


As of today there is not much time left. Once the photos have been selected and agreed with Florian and Tobias, both curating the exhibition, the photos could be produced. In the meantime the photos have been produced, signed and delivered to Florian. So nothing should go wrong. The promotions have be started as well.

Although I know that Vienna might not be in your neighbourhood, I would be more then happy to meet you in Vienna during the opening of the exhibiton.

Maybe you are in Vienna by co-incidence or you just take the opportunity to stay in Vienna for a couple of days …

Please find some details below …

Opening 27.05.2014 19:00
Exhibition 27.05. – 20.06.2014 daily 10:00 – 21:00

The Art Gallery Vienna
Brandmayergasse 7-9, 1050 Wien

Last Saturday it was that time again! After my first wedding shooting having been very early this year – mid of March already, Juliane & Marko ‘officially’ marked the start of the wedding season 2014! They got married in the beautiful Constanzia Forst Weiherhof in Wächtersbach. Last minute – during the ceremony – they made the decision in favour of Marko’s surname. Although the weather not being really supportive, this could not influence the most beautiful day in their lives! Convince yourselves. Check out the little pre-view …

Besides some nice moments in the Rhein Main Region my street photography in Q1 2014 was driven by some trips to Berlin and Istanbul.

Enjoy my personal best of streets selection taken in Q1 2014!

You want to see more Berlin or ISTANBUL Streets? Have a look into my Berlin Streets Januar 2014 and / or my ISTANBUL Streets.

Many thanks to all visitors and friends making the vernissage last friday to such a success. We did never expect so many guests! My special thanks to Christoph Breitwieser, curator at the Museum Bensheim, for his fantastic introductory speech, building bridges between both metropolis as well as between the 4 photographers. Although many thanks to my colleagues Christian Zwiener, Mateo Hamann, Oliver Heiligrath and Philip Kistner and last but not least to the gallery owner Thomas von Salomon. It’s great to know each other!

My special thanks to Christian Zwiener, who took most of the photos from the vernissage shown below.

Once again, thank you for the great for the fantastic evening. Enjoy the impressions below.

Für Alle, die nicht zur Vernissage kommen konnten:

Die Ausstellung ” Manhattan meets Mainhattan” ist noch bis 30. April in der Galerie.F8 Fotoart auf der Berlinerstraße 22 in Frankfurt zu sehen.

Öffnungszeiten sind: Di. bis Fr. 13:00 – 19:00
und Samstags 11:00 – 16:00, sowie nach telephonischer Vereinbarung unter 069 – 920 37 858

[ Kommentare ausblenden ]

6 comments on “Manhattan meets Mainhattan – Impressions from the Vernissage

  1. Björn

    Respekt Achim. Tolle Bilder!!!

  2. Connie Klube

    Sieht toll aus auf den Fotos. Konnte leider nicht da sein, bin in Manhattan :-). Komme auch erst im Mai wieder nach Deutschland. Gibt es die Ausstellung noch woanders als in Frankfurt zu sehen? Waere doch auch was fuer Manhattan, oder?
    Schaut doch mal in meinen NYC blog.
    Gruesse, Connie Klube

    1. Achim

      Oh, ist das eine Einladung eine/die Ausstellung in New York zu machen? 😉

      1. Connie Klube

        Warum nicht? Man muesste nur herausfinden, wie und wo. Bin im Mai in FFM. Wollen wir uns mal treffen?

  3. Dr. Stephanie Ott

    Hallo Achim,
    die Vernissage zu der Ausstellung hat mich sehr inspiriert, vielen Dank für den schönen Abend!
    herzliche Grüße und weiterhin viel Erfolg,

Auch was dazu sagen →

On Friday, March 21st the exhibition “Manhatten meets Mainhatten” starts with a Vernissage at 19:00 hrs in the rooms of the Galerie.F8 Fotoart in Berlinerstraße 22 in Frankfurt.

In the exhibition Mateo Hamann, Christian Zwiener, Oliver Helligrath and myself present presents unusual views of apparently well known sights from New York and Frankfurt. For a little preview please klick in the galerist Thomas von Salomon’s Blog

Save the date!

I am already looking forward to meeting you in the Galerie.F8 Fotoart!

I have been in Berlin again …

… met with Ronny Behnert, Frank Knaack and Sebastian Schmidt – each of them great photographers – and of cause took some street photographs. In Berlin the governmental destrict, the main station and the holocaust monument are part of the ‘mandatory’ program for photographers. For the first time I visited the Jewish Museum Berlin. Frank Knaack led me to THE tunnel, which is known by many Streetphotographers in the meantime. Since my youth already I haven’t been in the International Congress Centre Berlin. Unfortunately it was not possible to access the ICC itself due to a fair.

Enjoy my little photo selection!