Some weeks ago I met Julia & Lukas in Mainz at the River Rhine …
Some weeks ago I met Julia & Lukas in Mainz at the River Rhine …
In July 2008, the improvisation theatre ensemble “Für Garderobe keine Haftung” (‘No liability taken for wardrobe’) celebrated its ten-year Improsummer anniversary on the top of Wiesbaden’s Neroberg.
The final of the Improsummer 2013 started with a fantastic Live Music performance from Flo&Chris. After this great perfomance actors from 6 different countries improvised with the target to win the outstanding ‘Champignon’-Cup. At the end only one actor could be the winner. Besides actors from Germany guests from Suisse, Netherlands, Austria, England and Slowenia have been part of the event.
The attract nearly 2.000 spectators who crowded the terraces with there picnic blankets and bags in full 360 degree mode – even the area behind the stage has been occupied.
A great night!
Enjoy some impressions below.
Ein toller Artikel und vor allem: Tolle Fotos. Kleine Korrektur: Es waren annähernd 2500 Zuschauer 😉
Already for the 3rd year in succession querformat-fotografie shows his work in the great environment of the Weinhöfefest in Harxheim. In the exhibition FASCINATION »ARCHITECTURE & PEOPLE« VOL. 2 I will present again large sized lambda prints under acrylic glas. The photographs are a strong expression of my fascination for architecture and design. With the support of the choreography of coincidence I am composing people, architecture and city-landscapes.
Opening hours of the exhibition
Friday and Monday from 6.00 p.m.
Saturday from 4.00 p.m.
Sunday from 3.00 p.m.
Altes Rathaus Harxheim
Mainzer Straße 6
55296 Harxheim
Yesterday Anna & Jan got married in the romantic castle church in Offenbach Rumpenheim! It has been a bright sunny day with Emily being involved as well. Having had a lot of fun with with the bridal couple you will find some first impressions below. Enjoy!
Danke Achim. Hat uns viel Spass gemacht und die Fotos sind toll geworden. Freuen uns auf den Rest…
Hallo ihr lieben! das ist ja toll, dass wir schon mal einen ersten eindruck geniessen dürfen, während das brautpaar wohl im flieger sitzt und die hochzeitsreise geniesst!! Hoffentlich hat jan einen notsitzplatz, damit er mal seine langen beine ausstrecken kann!! bei dieser fotosession waren wir wohl noch nicht dabei. diese fotos sind besonders schön geworden. wir freuen uns auf die restlichen bilder. vielen dank dem lieben brautpaar für die tolle hochzeit. danke dem organisationskomitee! es ist alles super gelaufen. bis irgendwann mal wieder. z.b. an der taufe…..hi hi hi das haben brautpaare besonders gerne, wenn man sie darauf anspricht!! also mach ich es nicht und nehme diesen vorschlag wieder zurück……!! bis dann tschüüüüs rosy
Hallo liebes Brautpaar
Das sind schon Hammerfotos – ich freu mich auch auf den Rest. Ich habe bei Rosy um Hochzeitsbilder gebettelt und schwupp, hab ich schon die erste Ladung erhalten.
Super schöne Braut, da kann es nur tolle Bilder geben… also schöne Flitterwochen und ich freu mich auf mehr Bilder…
Ganz liebe Grüsse und ¨bussis aus der Schweiz” Claudia
Enjoy a selection of my street photos taken in Q2 2013 I like most and/or which are most popular!
You like what you see? Click here for My favorite Street Photographs taken in Q1 2013
The third convention “The Hospital Building of the Next Generation – Path-finding Ideas and Practical Impulses for a Better Economy and Performance” took place on the 20th and 21st of June 2013 at the Japan Tower in Frankfurt/Main.
Over the last few years, the convention has already established itself in the health care sector and is now well-regarded among speakers, sponsors and participants.
The convention focussed again on national and international reports based upon practical experiences from professionals for professionals.
Anja Leetz and Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Linus Hofrichter, both patrons of the convention, opened the congress in front of round about 200 participants consisting of operators of hospitals, clients and investors as well as architects, planners and product manufacturers for the planning and operation of hospitals and also various institutions and approval authorities.
Yesterday 43 museums and galleries opened their doors for the Night of Museums in Mainz! Besides the painter Wolfgang Blanke, the sculptor E.A. Langenberg, the graphic-artist Armin Hott and the cartoonist Klaus Wilinski querformat-fotografie followed the invite of Gabriele Lehnert in die Altstadt Galerie Lehnert in the lovely Mainzer Kirschgarten!
All, who could not participate will find some impressions and my work, which will continue to be presented in the Altstadt Galerie Lehnert for the next 3 weeks …
Nobody else then the fantasic Olga Orange led through the exhibition and the Ritzi Guggers made Guggemusik right at the beginning …
The Diner en blanc above the roofs of Mainz was fantastic. We had a great time. It will take some time til the next Diner en Blanc in Mainz next year. In the meantime enjoy some impressions below. This years highlight was the musical accompaniment with Simon Höneß from the flow on the mobil piano.
Tolle Bilder wieder Achim !
Wie kann mann an Deine Bilder rankommen ? (downladen und/oder link auf ein besonderes Bild schicken )
Bin froh, Dich zu kennen.
erneut wunderbare Aufnahmen
Lieber Achim,
wunderbare Momente hast Du wieder eingefangen. Kompliment!!!!
Schade, dass wir nicht mit dabei waren.
Liebe Grüße, Anette
… that’s where I want to be!
Already for the 9th time Museums and Galleries in Mainz open their doors for the ‘Mainzer Museumsnacht’. In total 43 Museums and Galleries will be opened on Saturday, June 15th 2013 from 6 p.m. CET until 1 am next day. Since years already the Altstadt Galerie Lehnert in the lovely Mainzer Kirschgarten placed in the nice old city of Mainz, takes part in the Museumsnacht. Look forward to enjoy this years programm of the gallery with the motto “Ein HELAU auf die Kunst”. The painter Wolfgang Blanke, the sculptor E.A. Langenberg, der graphic artist Armin Hott, the Cartoonist Klaus Wilinski and … querformat-fotografie will be part of it! In addition there will be a great culinary program and Guggenmusik
I am therefore already looking forward to all visitors!
Mainzer Museumsnacht 2013
at 15. June 2013
from 6 pm until 1am
Altstadtgalerie Lehnert
Kirschgarten 9
55116 Mainz
Yesterday Rita & Marc married in Bad Homburg and had party in Kronberg. I really enjoyed being their photographer during their exceptional day. What a lucky day, also since it did not rain almost all the time. Before starting with the selection and post processing, I don’t want to torture the two. Having this said, you will find a couple of pre-edited photos below. Enjoy!
Klasse – das macht Lust auf mehr!
Hallo, Ihr Lieben, herzlichen Dank für die Fotos. Wunderbar. Leider …
Von Santorini habe ich nur gute Erinnerungen. Geniesst Eure Flitterwochen in vollen Zügen. Ich freue mich, Euch irgendwann mal wieder zu sehen.
Ganz liebe Grüsse Ursula
What a sexy bride – Rita, you look absolutely gorgeous and your dress is stunning!!!
I love the picture with Marc carrying the bride´s flowers over his shoulder……
Sehr sehr schön!!!! Jule ist wunderschön 🙂 Tolles Paar <3